学术活动 国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员 获奖情况 1) 江苏省教育厅教学成果二等奖 2) 江苏省高等学校“方正奥思杯”多媒体教学好课件奖 3) 江苏大学优秀多媒体课件一等奖 科研项目 1) 基于海量文献及诊疗指南的孕产本体知识库构建与智能问答系统开发,2020.6-2020.12 2) 慢病本体知识库构建系统,2019.7-2021.6 3) 市智慧妇幼信息平台本体知识库构建,2018.3-2019.3 4) 965808平台建设与规划专项技术服务,2017.9-2017.11 5) 基于“模式识别”的网络安全技术fb体育研究,江苏省教育厅自然科学资金,2004.7-2005.12 6) 面向中小制造企业信息化的集成系统开发与应用--分布式企业信息系统中的复杂授权机制fb体育研究国家863项目,2004.2-2005.6 7) 离散制造企业信息集成系统fb体育研究及其在开关电气行业应用,国家863项目2004.10-2005.10 申请专利 1) 一种人脸图像超分辨率二次重建方法,201910066657.0 2) 一种基于卷积神经网络的MRI肿瘤体素检测方法,201910066668.9 3) 一种基于SDD-1算法的Hive连接查询方法,201410237997.2 4) 一种基于活跃度的社交网络影响力最大化方法,201410243677.8 5) 基于双加权最小连接算法的云计算负载均衡调度算法,201310210315.4 6) 云计算环境下基于遗传和蚁群的任务调度方法,201310112897.2 7) 基于滑动窗口的数据相似检测方法,201310114244.8 8) NSGA-II 多目标优化搜索方法,201210264566.6 9) 一种层次移动IPv6的路由优化方法,201210074709.7 发表的主要期刊论文 1) An optimized load-balancing scheduling method based on the WLC algorithm for cloud data centers,周莲英,崔兴萍,吴淑跃 2) 云环境下基于蚁群优化的虚拟机节能部署算法,周莲英,王政, 2015-10-28 3) 机会网络中基于节点效用值的拥塞控制策略,周莲英,狄源,潘宇婷,2015-05-15 4) The research and design of algorithm for influence maximization in social networks based on activity,周莲英,潘宇婷,郑新,金亚东, 2015-05-15 5) 无线传感器网络空间查询算法 IWQE 优化fb体育研究,周莲英,蒋大飞,郭远,喻志浩 2015-05-01 6) 关于解决fb体育研究生科研起步难的几点建议,周莲英,陈书会,2015-03-30 7) 一种改进的社交网络影响力最大化算法,周莲英,朱锋 ,2015-03-25 8) 基于会话记录的Word2Vec音乐推荐算法fb体育研究 周航帆,周莲英 9) 基于层次性过滤的社交网络关键节点挖掘算法fb体育研究 郑吉,周莲英 10) 基于PageRank的微博用户影响力评估模型fb体育研究 谢橙瞬,周莲英 11) 基于信息相关重要性的犯罪网络挖掘算法设计 苗文林,周莲英 12) K-means和人工鱼群结合的聚类算法fb体育研究 仇桦,周莲英 发表的主要国际会议 1. Lian-ying Zhou, Long-ji Sun. A P2P Resource Search Model Based on Ant Colony Optimization. the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), P433-436 2. Zhou Lianying , Ji Weiwe. A study on the application of WiMAX access technology in IPTV system Source:Conference Proceedings-The 2th International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, April 2010, V2, p 183-186 3. Lian-ying Zhou, Zhang Xiao. The research of VoD system performance based on CDN and P2P technologies. the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), P385-388 4. Zhou, Lianying, Yang, Mingxin. A classifier build around cellular automata for distributed date mining. Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE 2008, v 4, p312-315 5. Zhou, Lianying, Liu, Fengyu; Wu, Jie. Research on co-operative computer network security technologies. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2004, v 2, p 1164-1168 6. Zhou Lianying, Liu Fengyu. Research on computer network security based on pattern recognition. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2003, v2, p1278-1283. 7. Lu Xiaobo, Zhou Lianying. A reliable dynamic source routing based cluster label in mobile ad hoc networks. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009 8. Chen Yingfeng, Zhou, Lianying. An innovative IDS immune system model. Source: Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2004, v5, p4810-4814, 2004 9. Pingping Liu, Lianying Zhou. The research of adaptive network congestion control algorithm based on AQM. Source: Proceedings - 2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IFITA 2009, v 1, p 123-125, 2009, Proceedings - 2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IFITA 2009 |